
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. 6 Recognize Him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.

Showing posts with label Biblical Principles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biblical Principles. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2021

Truth Separated from God Becomes Deception

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life (Light). No one comes to the Father, except through me.

John 1:4  In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

Ephesians 2:18  For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

Truth is like a "lit" candle. It burns in the darkness and Lights our way. Without oxygen, the flame goes out. But you still have a candle in your hand. You may think you are walking down the path because you possess a candle. But without oxygen, you are bound to stumble, fall and, eventually die.

Like oxygen to a lit candle, the Holy Spirit is to Biblical truth. Biblical principles separated from the Holy Spirit become deception.