Learn About God's Strategic Will

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Living according to the facts on the ground.

Facts on the ground? What does that even mean?

Aren't all those who are led by the Spirit of God the children of God? Romans 8:14

My problem is I have mixed up PSALM 119:105
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

I have the promise of the path. But like Abraham and Sarah I wasn't really thinking God had things in control.

The "light" unto my future path is the promise God has given me. The "lamp" onto my feet are my next steps which are the thoughts and feelings God communicates to me as I take every thought captive to His Lordship. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Living in the here & now, being guided in a moment by moment relationship with the Holy Spirit is the only way to see the promises that God has given you fulfilled. Remember Jesus said "I don't do anything except what I see my father doing". That's the present tense imperative. It's like saying I don't do anything except what I see my father doing right here, right now.

The "here and now"? I have a lot of thoughts I need to lift up to the Lordship of Christ.

Learn to live/operate from and within the presence of God (relationship) as opposed to merely living/operating according to Godly principles.

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