Learn About God's Strategic Will

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Google it’s meaning… hmmmm.

OK, what does consistency mean to me?

In video production we use one camera. To get the appearance of using multiple cameras we re-shoot the same scene from different angles using the same camera. “Continuity” then becomes critical. Say we shoot an actor sitting down on a chair and he crosses his legs as he gets comfortable. The one in charge of “continuity” better notice that he crossed his left leg over his right and not the other way around. It’s all about the illusion, keeping things consistent with the previous shot.

What has this to do with time or consistency? It’s natural to tie the past, present and future together. But how are they connected? How are they connected?? There is only one connection and that is in the now, the present, is what exists. Their consistency, their continuity is a result of their presence in the now and the power that enables them to create the tensed fact of their existence. It is unalterable. Tensed facts are being created constantly. Cause and effect define their continuity and consistency. Choice, allows them to be productive or destructive.

When you realize the moment is absolutely unique and therefore priceless you begin to pay much more attention to the now.

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