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Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Open View of God and Time

The Open view of God seems to work for me. What I mean, from what I understand of it, and how I view the meaning of certain scriptures, that the Open View of God uses, I kind of think... yeah, that makes sense.

I'm not one that came to Christ because it made a lot of sense. God broke into my situation, made Himself known to me, promised to give me a new life and asked if I would trust Him as my Savior. I was desperate, so I agreed. He then told me He needed to be my Lord to make it happen. I said ok.

Along the way He has transformed my thinking. I had a lot of baggage that I was hanging on to. False idea’s, concepts, attitudes and desires that had been carried over from my old life and the lies I lived by. I'm still in process and it seems God is hopeful, He hasn't given up on me.

Well back to the Open View of God. It put into words what I kind of thought already. I liked how it affirms my free will. How it focuses my responsibility to work with God. It seems that it also says God is in time. I can't imagine anything outside of time but I didn't know what time was. So I set out to understand time.

If you google "the meaning of time", well let's just say there is a lot of opinions. I found some really interesting things when I added "Physics" to the search of "the meaning of time". Then I tried "Time and Quantum Mechanics". After months of investigation I've come up with my own opinion for the meaning of time...

TIME IS AN ILLUSION (DON'T LET THIS BE A DISTRACTION FROM THE GIST OF MY BLOG). Let me explain. How do we know that time passes? Because we remember when things were different and we call it the past. We think of the future because we can anticipate how things will be different. The observer recognizing change brought about by movement is only possible because of memory. Reason can anticipate change and the mind imagines the future.This all happens in the present now which is "Eternity". Eternity is held together by God who allows all the movement.

I don't have to speculate about how long a moment is. They don't exist. I don't have to spend time wondering about time travel. I'm already there.

God said "Let there be Light" and everything began moving. Everything moving in relationship to everything else. The movement is sequential and in one direction. It's a great illusion.

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